Exosomes: The Latest in Regenerative Therapy
Welcome to V-Tech System – Revolutionary Skincare Technology with Exosomes
Exosomes are not cells but small vesicles secreted by a cell. They are about 1/1000th the size of a normal cell and contain mRNA, microRNA, and molecules, including hundreds of growth factors that stimulate the body's natural regenerative potential.
Key Features:
Cellular Communication: Exosomes act as transport vehicles for molecules between cells, facilitating the transfer of information.
Skin Rejuvenation: Rich in growth factors, cytokines, and antioxidants, they stimulate collagen production and enhance skin elasticity.
Skin Repair: Contain RNA molecules that regulate the expression of genes involved in skin repair and regeneration.
Anti-inflammatory Effects: Exosomes have anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated or inflamed skin.
Bioavailability: Due to their small size, exosomes can penetrate the skin barrier and reach deeper skin layers.

Benefits of Microneedling + Exosomes
Microneedling with exosomes is a groundbreaking treatment that rejuvenates the skin and reduces signs of aging. Exosomes penetrate deep into the dermis during the procedure and promote collagen production, improving skin structure and tone. The treatment reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and scarring.
Effects and Indications:
Biostimulation and Firming: Suitable for the face, neck, décolletage, hands, and feet.
Collagen Stimulation: Enhances skin firmness and elasticity.
Skin Rejuvenation: Effective against chrono- and photoaging, acne scars, redness, and skin irritations.
Hair Follicle Stimulation: Supports improved hair growth.
Striae Treatment: Reduces stretch marks and enhances skin appearance.

Synthetic Exosomes from V-Tech
V-Tech System utilizes a double-membrane system for synthetic exosomes without antigen receptors, ensuring safety and efficacy. These exosomes carry biomimetic peptides that stimulate the skin's cellular processes without causing excessive stimulation or immune reactions.
Liver Disease
Allergy to Ingredients, Including Salmon
No Risk of Disease Transmission: Synthetic exosomes eliminate the risk of disease transmission.
No Overstimulation: Avoids excessive cell stimulation and immune reactions.
Optimal Delivery of Biomimetic Peptides: Effective delivery and enhanced binding to receptors.
Vad är exosomer?
Exosomer är små vesiklar som utsöndras från celler och innehåller molekyler som mRNA och tillväxtfaktorer.
Hur fungerar microneedling med exosomer?
Microneedling skapar mikrokanaler i huden som tillåter exosomer att tränga djupt in och stimulera kollagenproduktionen.
Vilka är fördelarna med exosomterapi?
Förbättrad hudstruktur, minskade fina linjer och rynkor, förbättrad hudton och minskad inflammation.
Finns det några biverkningar?
Exosomterapi är generellt säker, men kan orsaka mild rodnad och svullnad som vanligtvis avtar inom några dagar.
Hur många behandlingar behövs?
Vanligtvis rekommenderas en kur på fyra behandlingar var 3-4 vecka, med underhållsbehandlingar två gånger om året.
För mer information och för att boka en konsultation, kontakta oss idag och upptäck kraften i V-Tech System för din hudhälsa!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Find Us
Address: Engelbrektsgatan 22, 411 37 Gothenburg
Tram: Vasaplatsen/2, 3, 6, 7, 10
Maps Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/roKRRTr9jsZWLGw46

Contact Us
Phone: 07 60 20 31 89
Email: info@glansaskin.com
Opening Hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM